Mark a special milestone with a great value 12th birthday card

Our birthday cards for 12-year-olds feature all kinds of designs, including everything from superheroes to famous TV characters.

Discover great value son 12th birthday cards, daughter 12th birthday cards, grandson 12th birthday cards and granddaughter 12th birthday cards online.

We even have 12th birthday cards for nieces, and the same for nephews, perfect for all of you aunties and uncles out there.

Create a personalised 12th birthday card to make them smile

Shop personalised birthday cards and add names, ages and more. They’re simple to create and will make a big impression.

We also offer a range of birthday photo cards, which can be customised with snaps of the birthday girl or boy.

Take a look at some of our children’s birthday gifts and grab a bargain before you head to the checkout.