Discover gorgeous 21st birthday cards for your niece online

If you’re looking for a thoughtful yet great value birthday card for your niece, you’ve come to the right place. Starting from 99p, we offer a wide selection of gorgeous 21st birthday cards your niece will really appreciate.

Create personalised niece 21st birthday cards quickly & easily

Send an extra special wish to your niece on her 21st with a personalised birthday card. A personalised card can be customised with names, messages and more - all from only £1.79. Or, you can opt for a photo card instead. Either way, she’ll cherish it for years to come.

Don’t forget that we have a wider selection of niece birthday cards to choose from, too, which includes even more beautiful personalised designs.

Find your niece the perfect 21st birthday gift

Explore our range of birthday gifts for women and find a 21st present for a very special niece. Alongside keepsakes, wine glasses and other personalised items, we offer a beautiful selection of flowers, which we can deliver to her door as a special surprise.

Speaking of surprises, we also have some eye-catching 21st birthday balloons available online, which will also add a fantastic final touch to your niece’s big birthday celebration.